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Friday, April 24, 2009

Characteristics of Wise Persons

Ø Characteristics of Wise Persons/Mark of Wisdom:
  • Vidura said: ‘He alone is a wiswe man,who knows his capacity,who is never idle or lazy but exerts himself according to his might, who is not affected by pleasure or pain, profit or loss, honour or dishonour, who has a firm faith in Dharma and who is not tempted by sensual objets. (VN: 1.16).
  • He whom neither anger nor joy, nor pride, nor false modesty, nor stupefaction, nor vanity, can draw away from the high ends of life, is considered as wise. (VN: 1.18).
  • He whose intended acts, and proposed counsels remain concealed from foes, and whose acts become known only after they have been done, is considered wise (VN: 1.19).
  • He whose proposed actions are never obstructed by heat or cold, fear of attachment, prosperity or adversity, is considered wise. (VN: 1.20).
  • He, whose worldly intelligence follows both Dharma (virtue) and Artha (wealth) and who disregarding worldly pleasures chooses Dharma which is serviceable in both worlds, is considered wise. (VN: 1.21).
  • They that exert to the best of their might, and act also to the best of their might, and disregard nothing as insignificant, are called wise. (VN: 1.22).
  • He ,who grasps the most difficult subject quickly, listens to the talks of others patiently, pursues the objects of the senses with judgment and not from desire and does not give his opinion unasked , is said to possess the foremost mark of wisdom. (VN: 1.23).
  • Those having intelligence of a wise man, do not strive for objects that are unattainable, do not grieve for what is lost and gone, and never lose their heart (remain firm) in calamities. (VN: 124).
  • He, who commences his acts with due thought and consideration, who never gives up things half way , who never wastes his time, and who has his senses under control, is regarded wise. (VN: 1.25)).
  • They, who are wise, always delight in honest deeds, do what tends to their happiness and prosperity, and never sneer at what is good. (VN: 1.26).
  • He who exults not at honours, and grieves not at slights, and remains cool and unagitated like a lake in the course of Ganga (Ganges), is reckoned as wise. (VN: 1.27)).
  • That man who knows the nature of all creatures (viz., that everything is subject to destruction), who is cognisant also of the connections of all acts, and who is proficient in the knowledge of the means that man may resort to (for attaining their objects), is reckoned as wise. (VN: 1.28).
  • He, who speaks eloquently, can converse on various subjects, knows the science of argumentation, possesses genius, and can interpret the hidden meaning of sacred books, is reckoned as wise. (VN: 1.29).
  • He whose studies of the Sastras (scriptures) are regulated by reason, and whose reason follows the scriptures, and who abides by the ideals or virtues of good persons and never abstains from paying respect to those that are good, is called a wise man. (VN: 1.30).
  • He, who having attained immense wealth and prosperity or acquired (vast) learning, does not bear himself haughtily, is reckoned as wise.

Ved Prakash


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